Best 4 Spring & Fall Clean Ups Secrets
Whether we do your yard or not, we want you to have the best professional advice. Here are 4 Spring Clean Up Secrets to get your garden off to a healthy start.
Secret #1. Trees & Shrubs
- Do corrective pruning to shrub or tree branches that were damaged by snow or wind last winter.
- Prune summer blooming shrubs and small trees before the bubs swell.
- Remove tree wrap.
- Apply horticultural oil sprays to control insects, diseases, and powdery mildew.
- Cut back damaged roses to 1 inch below blackened area.

Secret #2. Perennials and Grasses
- Cut back ornamental grasses to 2 to 3 inches and cut perennials left standing over the Winter to 4 – 5 inches.
- Divide, thin, and transplant perennials.
- Use sharp bypass pruners to make a clean cut.

Secret #3. Beds and Borders
- Clear all beds and borders of dead plant material.
- Prepare soil in new bed sand borders.
- Use a square-head shovel to form a clean edge around beds and keep turf grass from growing into them.

Secret #4 – Apply Mulch
- Apply mulch soon if it was not applied in the fall. Till it in so it does its job to break down and create soil ripe with microbial activity. Mulch does not provide nutrients for the soil, but it develops soil quality by improving its capacity to hold on to water and nutrients. It is a key ingredient to establish a healthy, low-water lawn and for all the other plants in your landscape.
- If you did not make your own mulch, buy 1 cubic yard of mulch per 100 square feet of area. When you shop for mulch, look for one that is well aged, low in salt and has little or no fillers. If spring blooming bulbs begin to emerge early, cover them with mulch when temperatures are below freezing to help keep them cold and delay bloom.
Winter Clean Up Tasks

November Tasks
- Finish planting spring blooming bulbs.
- Rap newly planted trees and thin-barked trees with tree wrap. Begin at the bottom and work up to the first branch.
- Cutback stems and foliage of herbaceous perennials when they begin to wither.
- Leave ornamental grasses and other perennials that add winter interest.
- Rake leaves and needles; clear all beds and borders of dead plant.
- Divide perennial bulbs and replant to thin them out.
- Add additional mulch to beds and borders as necessary.
- Plant fall bulbs.
- Clean up patio and outdoor furniture.
- Decorate for the holidays with lighting, pumpkins, fall color like mums.

December Tasks
- Check mulch coverage and winter tree wrap.
- Water trees, shrubs and perennials may if the soil is dry from lack of snowfall. Water when the temperatures are above 40 degrees.
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We Serve Best Spring & Fall Clean Ups Services In:
- Aurora
- Parker
- Castle Rock
- Highlands Ranch
- Lone Tree
- Castle Pines