A healthy lawn not only looks great, but it can prevent erosion, cool the local environment and filter pollutants from air and water. To enjoy all of those benefits, avoid these five mistakes.
- Planting grass where it won’t grow. Turf needs full sun. Looking to fill in a shady spot? Consider another ground cover suited to shade, like vinca minor (periwinkle) or sweet woodruff. Ask your landscape professional or local garden center for recommendations.
- Planting only one type of grass and/or the wrong kind. Variety is the spice of life and a necessary ingredient for a healthy landscape as well. Know your zone, and plant grasses that can thrive in Colorado’s sunny, dry conditions.
- Improper watering. Take the time to train the root by watering less frequently but more deeply. Cycle and soak—but not midday when water is lost to evaporation. Follow local watering guidelines, and don’t water until your lawn needs it.
- Mowing too short. It’s a simple error to fix: raise your mower blade. The best height for lawn health and water conservation is 2 ½ to 3 inches. You should mow often enough that you are never removing more than 1/3 of the lawn height. Leave the clippings on the lawn to return nutrients to the soil and keep moisture in.
- Improper use of fertilizer. So many things can go wrong with fertilizer: too much, too little, applied at the wrong time of year. It’s a good idea to consult a landscape professional to make sure it is being used properly. The right fertilizer applications can give you a lush lawn that looks great provides all possible benefits, including cooling your yard, providing oxygen, and reducing runoff.
Healthy lawns require routine maintenance, and it’s okay to ask for help. Your landscape professional can help you set your landscape up for success with the right plants in the right place and the right maintenance practices that save money, time, and resources.
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Source: customer-service@bestyard.com in collaboration with Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado