- Water-efficient sprinklers, smart controllers, and low-maintenance plants help you conserve water and save time on maintaining your landscape. Using less water can save you money, too, after the initial investment. You may also be eligible for rebates to offset that initial investment as well.
- Contact your municipality or water provider to see what rebates are currently available. Some providers, like Aurora Water, offer rebates for converting to water-wise landscapes with low-water-use plants. Others, like Denver Water, offer rebates purchasing WaterSense-rated efficiency devices or high-efficiency sprinkler nozzles.
- As drought continues in Western Colorado—the source of much of our water—now is the time to make changes to your landscape that conserve water. Rebates and grants can help subsidize those costs so that you start saving money sooner.
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Source: customer-service@bestyard.com in collaboration with Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado