Though spring has barely begun, if you care about the health and look of your lawn, you might want to stay on your toes, as the hot season approaches. Remember those hot summer days, when Denver feels like it might be SoCal or Texas? True, the mountains in Colorado and the overall different climate here will provide some degree of cool air and low humidity. However, this doesn’t mean that your lawn is safe from all weather-related harm in the summer. We, at Best Yard, have seen some otherwise impressive lawns fall prey to neglect during those long, hot summer days. And we’re guessing you wouldn’t want your turf and plants to wither away under the cruel hot summer sun.
Now, of course, what’s the point of having a lawn or garden if you’re going to spend all your spare time making sure it doesn’t develop brown or barren patches? Well, we’re here to tell you that you can have a beautiful lawn and enjoy it, too – if you give us at Best Yard a call. We can’t promise you we’ve got a magic formula for controlling the weather, but we can definitely apply some strategies for weather-proofing your turf, shrubs, trees, and flowerbeds. Check out the three basic approaches we follow, when setting a yard up for the summer:
- Smart grass species selection
- Adaptive watering
- Carefully planned watering
Not all grasses were created equal, as any lawn care expert can tell you. While some are more sensitive to the fluctuations of the weather in Colorado, others adapt far easier. Bermuda grass is one such species that can tolerate extremely high temperatures. To boot, it grows a deep dark green color, if properly watered. It even survives in temperatures as high as a constant 110F and loves being under the glare of the sun’s rays.
When the weather is hot, your lawn simply needs to be watered more profusely and frequently, right? Wrong! Over-watering is actually harmful for plant growth, since it can literally wash out the nutrients and minerals that your soil naturally contains. It can also cause irreparable damage to the root system of your turf and prevent it from developing properly. Actual lawn maintenance experts can accurately estimate the amount of water your lawn needs in the summer.
Much like in the above example, some homeowners are under the impression that lawns need to be watered when the sun is high in the sky, beaming at maximum intensity. In fact, the best time to water a lawn in the summertime is early in the morning, before the sun has climbed up into the sky. The cooler morning temperatures will allow the trees, shrubs, flowers, and grass blades to properly take in the moisture via their roots. They will also make it less likely for you to waste any precious water.