A great lawn is like a nice dress, or a well-fitted suit. But what is a dress without shoes? Or jewelry, or a purse?
If you want to make everything come together, and look perfectly finished, you want mulch.
Spreading fresh, dark mulch over your flowerbeds is like waving a magic wand of perfection over your property.
Colors stand out more, grass looks greener, and your neighbors will think you’re spending a lot more money on your lawn than you are.
It is like “the icing on the cake” for your yard.
In addition to improving the look of your yard, mulch provides 6 benefits to your yard:
- decreases evaporation rates by as much as 35 percent to reduce your watering bill
- prevents germination of weeds
- protects plants from hot sun and winds
- prevents soil erosion
- insulates your plants and their roots from Colorado’s extreme temperature changes
- it becomes nutritious organic matter for future healthy growth
Continue Watering
Continue to water plants growing in mulched soils. Water the plant’s root zone. Drip irrigation is the most effective and efficient watering method. It is best during drought restrictions that forbid everyday watering.
Not getting enough water severe stresses the plants. Shrubs have reduced foliage, flowers do not bloom well, trees have reduced foliage and do not grow rapidly. When watering, please keep in mind all water restrictions.
Types of Mulch
There are two types of mulch: Organic and Inorganic.
Pine bark, wood chips and Washington cedar are favorites. Wood chips are lie flat, do not blow away easily, and are long-lasting. Wood chips come in colors such as brown, black and red. Shredded mulch and “gorilla hair” Washington cedar mulch does not blow away easily in areas of high wind found on the front range.
Pea gravel, crushed stone, landscape stones, tumbled glass, and river rock examples of inorganic mulches. They are available in many sizes, shapes and colors. They are good choices around your home’s foundation vs. wood mulches which can attract termites. They are good around plants in containers. These mulches do not add nutrients or decompose, but they tend to disappear into the soil.

What should I do before mulching?
- Pull weeds or apply a selective weed killer out of the bed.
- Create an edge around the landscape bed for the mulch.
- Remove the existing mulch or top dress with the same mulch.
- Shovel small piles of mulch onto your flower bed instead of a full well barrow.
- Rake the small piles of mulch in an even layer.
- Water any organic mulch in.
- Organic mulch should be replaced every year.
How to apply mulch?
One common mistake when mulching around trees is applying too close to the trunk. Do not pile mulch around the base of the tree. This technique is known as a “mulch volcano”. It will the tree bark moist which causes rotting and it will suffocate the roots. Instead, start a few inches away from the trunk, apply much at 3 inches, and extend at least 3 feet out from the trunk.
Use the same guidelines are trees. Start the mulch a few inches away from the base and mulch large beds and groupings of plants together for the best look.
A 3-inch layer is recommended. Use finer textured mulch for vegetables and flowers than those used for trees or bushes. Use straw, leaves, or grass clippings for vegetable gardens as they break down by the end of the season. Do not use wood chips garden soil as it can slow plant growth as it decomposes due to nitrogen deficiency.
Prevent Nitrogen Deficiency
Organic mulch decomposes. The organisms that decompose the organic mulch uses nitrogen in the soil. This may cause a deficiency of nitrogen in the soil resulting in the yellowing of the lower leaves in plants. If this occurs till nitrogen amendments into the soil. Till ¼ pound of ammonium sulfate, or 2 pounds of a complete fertilizer, such as 10-6-4 fertilizer per 100 square feet of mulched area. This can be prevented by tilling 4e fertilizer into the soil before adding the mulch. Do not use a “weed-and-feed” fertilizer in mulched beds as this may damage or kill plants.
OF COURSE we would love to care for your yard.
BUT, whether we provide for your yard or not, we want it to be the best it can be.
THEREFORE, we want to provide you the best professional advice for your lawn care in this guide.
THIS IMPROVES our neighborhoods, community, and environment.
P. S. Let us install your mulch. You enjoy your weekend.
If this sounds good to you, CALL 720-851-7550 or click the Do It For Me button below to discuss your lawn care needs or request your FREE quote and claim your Gift Certificate.
BestYard.com provides mulch services in Aurora, Parker, The Pinery, Pradera, Castle Rock, Castle Pines, Lone Tree, and Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
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