If you’re really feeling the itch to get out and garden, consider planting some cool-hardy pansies.
When you go pick out your pansies:
- Check with the garden center staff that the flowers you are purchasing are ready to plant.
- Pansies should be hardened off before putting them in the ground.
- They are probably hardened off and ready to plant if they have been kept outdoors at the garden center.
- Be aware that pansies that haven’t yet been hardened off need some protected outside time to get used to the outdoors.
- They need to adjust to night-time temps more than they need sunshine.
- Keep them outside on the patio in a protected area for about five nights before planting. If there is a frost or hard freeze, bring them indoors.
- Keep an eye on the temperatures at night. Once planted, pansies are frost-hardy but will be seriously damaged by a hard freeze.
- If temps fall below 28 degrees, protect the plants from freeze damage like you would annuals in the early fall.
- Cover them with sheets, blankets, or towels (but not plastic).
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Source: customer-service@bestyard.com in collaboration with Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado